Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Whole New Crush

It was the middle of the afternoon and there she sat at the back of the class, her hands clasped against her faced..

Hiding beneath it a very flushed red appearance, one of a teenage girl having her first crush..he had not noticed, but all through her team's presentation she had nicely positioned herself in a way that she could feast her eyes on him..

In the past two days, she had not taught much of her cadet at sea let alone pick up his long distance calls..

1 comment:

Shira-chan said...

I read your book, and I found it strange
That I know that girl, and I know her world
A little too well

And I didn't know, by giving my hand
That I would be written down, sliced around, passed down
among strangers hands

-- The Book, Sheryl Crow